by TGR Edit@rs | Jun 27, 2018 | Blog
With mass shootings on the rise, several states have begun establishing stricter gun laws. Some have banned assault rifles and assault handguns. A few states also limit the number of rounds a magazine can hold. Below we have listed the top seven states with strictest...
by TGR Edit@rs | Jun 13, 2018 | Blog
Owning a gun is a very big responsibility. It is crucial for owners to know how to handle them, store them, and use them correctly. Knowing these things will make you a more responsible gun owner. Handling and storing guns are processes that are generally easy to...
by TGR Edit@rs | May 17, 2018 | Blog
If you have questions about how to get a Class 3 gun license, you’re concerned about Class 3 National Firearms Act (NFA) weapons / Title 2 firearms. Class 3 /Title 2 firearms are categorized in six different categories: Category 1: Machine guns, also known as...
by TGR Edit@rs | May 10, 2018 | Blog
Not everyone in the state of California is allowed to carry a weapon for obvious reasons. But if you wish to carry a gun, you will need to know how to get a gun license in California. Along with the permit, you will also receive a Personal Firearms Eligibility Check...
by TGR Edit@rs | May 3, 2018 | Blog
If you’re a Texan, you may have questions about how to get a gun license in Texas. Because Texas’ gun laws are less restrictive than most other states, you won’t need to register the gun. You don’t need a permit to purchase or own a gun. Texas is considered a shall...
by TGR Edit@rs | Apr 17, 2018 | Blog
Every time you fire your gun, small amounts of sediment and powder residue remain inside the barrel. Over time, these deposits can lead to serious and dangerous problems such as jamming or misfiring. This is why it’s important to learn how to clean a gun...